Uses of Class

Packages that use RemoteInfo
plugins.wfx This Package contains the Total Commander Java File System Plugin Interface. 

Uses of RemoteInfo in plugins.wfx

Methods in plugins.wfx with parameters of type RemoteInfo
 int WFXPluginInterface.fsGetFile(java.lang.String remoteName, java.lang.String localName, int copyFlags, RemoteInfo remoteInfo)
          FsGetFile is called to transfer a file from the plugin's file system to the normal file system (drive letters or UNC).
 int WFXPluginAdapter.fsGetFile(java.lang.String remoteName, java.lang.String localName, int copyFlags, RemoteInfo remoteInfo)
          FsGetFile is called to transfer a file from the plugin's file system to the normal file system (drive letters or UNC).
 int WFXPluginInterface.fsRenMovFile(java.lang.String oldName, java.lang.String newName, boolean move, boolean overwrite, RemoteInfo remoteInfo)
          FsRenMovFile is called to transfer (copy or move) a file within the plugin's file system.
 int WFXPluginAdapter.fsRenMovFile(java.lang.String oldName, java.lang.String newName, boolean move, boolean overwrite, RemoteInfo remoteInfo)
          FsRenMovFile is called to transfer (copy or move) a file within the plugin's file system.